Anticipando el deterioro de la salud mental en el Ecuador

  • Daniel Garzon Chavez Universidad San Francisco de Quito
  • Daniel Romero Alvarez Biodiversity Institute and Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, United States
  • María Sol Garcés Universidad San Francisco de Quito / Instituto de Neurociencias y Colegio de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades
  • Paul Mena-Mena Carrera de Periodismo, Colegio de Comunicación y Artes Contemporáneas, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Quito, Ecuador


The pandemic of COVID-19 has unsettled every aspect of our functional society. Its consequences are still waiting to be fully appreciated since, after more than a year of the pandemic declaration in March 2020, we are still facing its raging impact. From the plethora of complications related with COVID-19, the non-pharmaceutical approaches that have became the cornerstone of pandemic management, have set the ground for a potential wave of mental health illness. Ecuador is in a particular position to rise this discussion considering that it is one of the Latinamerican countries most affected by the pandemic as shown by the huge excess in mortality registered in 2020. Moreover, with lack of actual mental health policies, well-connected infrastructure, or a monitoring program, we argue that the epidemiology of mental health should be highlighted for either a reinvention of its current approaches or to allocate resources to offer attention to a population that might be heavily affected by psychological disorders.


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Cómo citar
Garzon Chavez D, Romero Alvarez D, Garcés MS, Mena-Mena P. Anticipando el deterioro de la salud mental en el Ecuador. PFR [Internet]. 2 de agosto de 2022 [citado 27 de julio de 2024];7(2). Disponible en: